One of the most fascinating disciplines you can study at the university level is anthropology. It’s exciting to explore everything we know about humans, from their origins and evolution.

It is necessary to complete multiple assignments. This is due to the fact that you need to have a thorough understanding of biology, culture, and history. When preparing an essay in anthropology, the first step is choosing the right topic. This is more difficult. We can help.

Below is a list that we believe you will find useful for obtaining high marks in anthropology. We also have a complete guide that will show you how to write a paper like a professional to increase your chances for getting the highest possible grade.


Anthropology studies the human condition and is concerned with the past and future of humans. It is a discipline that began with the study of human past species. Its broad nature means that it can be broken down into several units. Each unit focuses on a particular area.

– Socioanthropology: Examines patterns in human behavior.
– Cultural Anthropology: This branch is primarily concerned with culture and the norms that are part of society.
– Linguistic Anthropology: This branch of anthropology focuses on determining the impact language has on people’s lives.
– Biological anthrology: This branch studies human biological development.
– Archaeological ananthropology: This branch focuses on studying the past of humankind. It can be considered a complete discipline in certain jurisdictions like Europe.


Your professors might ask you questions about writing high-quality anthropology research papers. These are the steps you should follow to create a top-notch college paper.

Step 1: Get to know the assignment
It is a mistake to start an assignment without understanding the implications. Make sure you read the prompt and understand what it means. Is your teacher looking for a quantitative or qualitative research paper? It could be a quantitative dissertation in anthropology or masters for graduate students.

Step 2: Choose the preferred research paper topic
You must choose the right topic. It is best to pick something that interests you. It is important that you have plenty of resources available to assist with the completion of your paper. If you do not have the necessary resources, such as journals or books, it is possible to get stuck mid-sentence.

After you have chosen the topic, do preliminary research to find key points you will use in your paper. These points should not be considered final and may need to be updated.

Step 3: Create a outline for your research paper
The outline is the blueprint for the paper’s structure. It simplifies the process of writing and researching. You are less likely to forget key points in your research paper. Add supporting information gradually to make your paper more informative.

Step 4: Write your thesis statement for your paper
Your thesis statement is the main idea behind a paper. The introduction will contain the statement, while the conclusion will include it. Your thesis statement will be approved or rejected based on the information that you provide in your research paper.

Step Five: Create the draft paper
Now it’s time for the first draft to be completed after gathering all relevant information. Follow the outline carefully to create a quality paper. The introduction should be followed through to the conclusion. Your supervisor might appreciate hearing about your progress if you’re writing a dissertation. Remember, a dissertation is much more thorough than a paper. You should begin with an introduction. Next, go through the literature review and then the results. Finally, end the dissertation with a conclusion.

Step Six: Create the Final Paper
Once you have finished the draft, it’s time to make it even better and improve it. If you find any more useful information, you might consider looking through additional resources. Finalize your paper by editing it and proofreading it. A friend might be able to assist you with proofreading, pointing out any errors that may have been missed.

Next, you will find the top topics in anthropology that you should look into. Pick the best one and modify it to your liking.


What influences the color of a person’s skin and how does it affect their appearance?
– The benefits and drawbacks of eugenics for the 21st Century.
– A closer view of the aging process for western cultures.
– What effects does physical labor have on a person’s body?
– Define Kyphosis and human Senescence
Do smoking and appearance affect a person’s appearance?
– What to do if you are unable to swim?
Modern facts confirm the existence Homo Habilis.
Compare two theories explaining the origin of humankind.
– A summary of key beliefs in Ancient Egypt about the preservation and care of the body.
– The importance of storytelling across cultures.
– Anthropology as a forensic discipline.
– Heroes of society.
– Closed Societies
– Terrorism in an emergency
– Feminism application in different cultures.
– A review on the concept of wellness across cultures.
Literature and Human Development: What is its role?
– Analyzing conflicts among Asian and Latin American cultures.
– Genetic engineering & anthropology: What is the connection?


Investigating the effects of religious beliefs on Hispanic culture.
– An analysis of the evolution of discrimination sexually.
– The effect of culture on homosex marriages in France: A case study with the LGBT community in France
– A close look at racism today.
– Homelessness in Hispanic Communities.
– Homelessness in India: Causes and consequences
– Comparison of Indian and American strategies to tackle homelessness.
– Cultural Anthropology and Political Science: What’s the connection?
– Identify two organizations that are most critical to the advancement and promotion of anthropology.
– Peru’s Quechua people.
– Environmental anthropology and contemporary policy.
What is the influence on human social behavior?
– An overview of the influence of western culture upon indigenous peoples in North America.
Analyzing the role of caste and rank in society
Review of the ancient Roman culture
– The Evolution of the Human ear.
– Comparing evolution between man and birds
– Where is modern man’s origin?
– An in-depth look at the major issues involved with female circumcision.


– An exploration of the meaning and application of biological anthropology in various fields.
– Analyzing the use of primates by primatologists to understand human evolutionary process
– How paleontologists used fossil records to make analogical comparisons.
– How does biological anthropology explain the evolution of human behavior?
– Locate and evaluate the top locations in which anthropologists conduct their research. Why is it so important?
– Define connection between biological and social anthropology.
– The Evolution of Primate Diet
– Analyzing tapetum Lucidum’s evolution.
– An in-depth look at the disappearance of giant lemurs from Madagascar.
– Human resistance and drug use: Human pathogen coevolution.
Using bones to determine an animal’s age
Syphilis and bones: What does it mean?
– Habitat destruction and poaching.
– Natural selection applied to the animal kingdom.


– Religion in Asian Cultures
– Comparison of Aboriginal and African religious beliefs
– A review on the most important cultural concepts within a culture of preference in Europe.
– Comparing worldviews from two different societies.
– Marriage in an established society of choice
– An overview of the early development of economic organisations.
– The roles of women within Indian society
– An in-depth look at language acquisition in African culture.
– Missionary and Anthropology: What’s the Relationship?
What strategies would your suggestions be to reduce ethnocentrism?
– How can we reduce cultural baggage in society?
Culture shock: How to deal with it
– Belief in magic in different societies.
– An analysis of the globalization’s impact on nutrition anthropology.

What questions can be asked in an anthropological study?
– Is anthropology to be combined with biology completely?
– Does DNA evidence prove to be accurate for criminology applications?
How does China’s practice in anthropology apply to the US?
– Radiological tools used in anthropology: How effective are they?
– What is the most dangerous and risky aspect of forensic Anthropology?
What influence does mythology have on our modern society?
– How does language acquisition affect the culture in a society?
– Projects to change the body: What are their most valuable attributes?
Halloween celebrations: How has it changed over time?
– What is the impact of adaptive variation?
– How did WWI/ WWII affect human societies?
– What impacts does climate change have on the evolution of animal species?
– How can you find out more about the location of crime?
– What are long-term effects of alcohol addiction on the body?
– Science and magic: Do they have a connection?


– The 21st Century Development of Anthropology
– The anthropological study of humans can provide important lessons about humanity.
– Anthropological issues of pre-capitalist society
– A closer view at primitive society and folk roles
– Modern man and urban centers
– How does automation affect human behavior?
How does biology affect culture?
– Reviewing the role of stereotypes and racial identity within society.
– Comparison of Aztec and Maya civilisations.
– Analysis of religious diversity in America
– Comparison of religious diversity in Italy (UK)
– Why is anthropology so important?
– Comparison of different death rituals across cultures.
– What’s the relationship between literature, human development and literature?
– Analyzing anthropology’s influence on contemporary art.
How have social media affected different cultures around the world?


What was the catalyst for the development of linguistics-anthropology?
– An overview of the major theories in linguistic Anthropology.
– Linguistics of different communities within the country
– Comparing verbal and sign communication
– What did Dell Hymes do to contribute to linguistic Anthropology?
Language is the most important part of Bengali immigrants.
Language endangerment.
– Comparing the different types of arts in an anthropological context that is both Western and Asian.
– The effect of colonization on the language in a particular society.
Three different American Indian languages are available.


– Socioanthropology is too general to be worth learning.
– Human societies can be described as cultural constructs.
– It is important to consider the past as a foreign country.
– What do you think of chimps’ petro behaviour?
– Man is a natural murderer
– Infanticide is an important strategy for evolutionary advancement.
– The War on Infanticides: Which Side Do You Support?
– Evaluating human morality.
– Should political leaders have to be trained in cultural anthropology?
– Human cleansing: Examining the driving factors of different societies.
– A discussion on political correctness for the 21stcentury.
– Which of the earliest living forms on Earth are you talking about?


– Comparing medical and physical anthropology research.
– Are there any evidences of evolution in the past 2000 years?
– An exploration of the role of anthropology and modern medicine.
– The health consequences of adapting and living in harmony with nature.
– Two societies have different domestic health culture practices.
– A review on clinical anthropology application.
– Political ecology of Infectious Diseases
– What are the relationships between violence, disease and malnutrition
– The political aspect of economic health in a country.
– United States: Study of perception of risk and vulnerability.
What are the key factors to good nutrition and a healthy transition?
– Promoting preventive health in society.
– Cultural conditions that influence medical practice.
Comparing medical practices in colonial versus post-colonial times in a country of choice
– Use mitochondria in forensic anthropology and forensic anthropology.
– How does the marketization of healthcare and medicine affect society?
Analyzing health disparities within a society you choose


– Analogy studies are used to assess the effects of different political systems on different societies.
– Human Rights of People Convicted of Crimes.
– Which organizations are most important for studying anthropology?
– A closer view at the language of modern feminists.
– An analysis of the current state of queer life in Germany.
– Implications for Barack Obama as an African American President
Review of the Pagan Rituals and Their Impact.
Comparing the west’s aging process with the African environment.
– Cultural implications deviant behaviour in society.
– The emerging economy’s new conception of childhood.


– What does it mean to hitchhike genetically?
– Analyzing cephalization.
– What does adaptive mutation mean?
– Is altruism learned or natural?
– What is abiogenesis?
– An analysis of the convergent evolution of Australian marsupials.
– Comparing the stability of wild animals with those in stable conditions.
– Evolution of animals from different parts of the world. What causes these differences?
– An analysis of current trends in physical Anthropology.
– The future evolution for human beings.
– Physical Anthropology: The Human and Digital Culture.
– What makes us human?


– Enlightenment.
– Race, ethnicity and the anthropologist’s view.
– An examination of the relationship between Aboriginal communities and their native Australian aboriginal members in Australia.
– What is Neanderthal’s relationship to modern humans?
– Cultural sociology versus cultural anthropology.
– Anthropology and Mormonism.
– What has been the most significant change since WWI’s infancy?
– What is reflexive Anthropology?
– What’s the purpose of rituals?
– Comparison of Asian childbirth rituals
– Assessing the relation between religions, myths, and different societies.
– A comparison of the 21st and 20th century methods of collecting anthropological information.
– What makes medical anthropology so vital today?
– The historical significance of Benin artifacts.
– The sociology Theory: A Review of its Structure and Flaws
– Christian believes that anthropology is a part of Christianity
– Comparing Anthropology of Europe and Anthropology of Africa
– Assess the effectiveness of ethnographic research using reflexivity.


– What primary agents cause biological changes in the body of the human being?
– How are the biological agents of change in humans different from those in other animals?
– Carbon dating technology accuracy assessment.
– Examining the most recent advancements in crime detection technology.
– Analyzing evidence to support evolution views of humans.
Radioactivity and different animal species: How do they affect each other?
– These are some of the signs that indicate asphyxiation.
– An overview of the most recent archaeological dating methods: Are these effective?
– Mummification in Egypt: Was it effective?
– Importance crime scene analysis in forensic anthropology
Analyzing how effective Buccal Swabs are when profiling insides.
– What is the effectiveness of criminal profiling in deterring criminals?
– Footprints on crime scenes: What can they tell me?
– Soil Comparison in Forensic Anthropology.
– Insects are important agents in body decomposition
How can you recognize blunt force trauma?
– Comparison and contrast of perforating and penetrating trauma.
Analyzing Rigor Mortis as a method to determine if a person has died.


This article explains how to prepare a high-quality paper in anthropology. Many people still struggle to write even though they have selected interesting anthropology topics. There are experts who can help you with your dissertation and research paper writing. When you purchase a dissertation from us, you’ll get outstanding results.

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  • heidibutler

    I am 28 years old and I currently work as a teacher and blogger. I enjoy writing and teaching, and I love sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends.