Exotic Flora

Understanding the definitions of exotic flora will help you to better understand it. To begin with, “exotic” is a term that means something of an alien or foreign origin. Second, flora is the term that refers to flowers or plants from a specific area. In other words, exotic flora can be defined as unusual flowers or plants from foreign regions. Exotic plants and flowers can be found in a wide variety of regions. Exotic flora is available in many different forms. It can be bright, spiky and smooth, or small. The most exotic flowers are usually found in warm, wet, humid areas. This is because they thrive there.

The venus-flytrap is an exotic example. The venus fliestrap is an unusual exotic type of flora. It can grow anywhere, including the Carolinas region of the USA and the Amazon Rainforest. Most venus flying traps have a reddish interior and a greenish exterior. Their spikes bend towards their mouth. They are usually grouped together and all look alike. Flytraps are so-called because of their unique eating habits, which trap flies. Venus flytraps can be found in only a few plants on the planet. This is why they are so fascinating. They detect the readiness of an insect to be consumed by using tiny hairs inside their mouth. The flytrap quickly kills an insect after it has brushed enough trigger-hairs. The flytrap then releases a chemical that breaks down the insects slowly and absorbs their nutrients. These flytraps are often drawn by people because of their carnivorous nature. An amazing drawing would be a venus-flytrap absorbing an insect. These beautiful flowers are found in the Western Hemisphere from Northern Ireland to Spain. A lot of people have never seen their beauty up close because they are usually found at higher altitudes than 1600ft. When they bloom, the fire lilies contain 6 petals in addition to many pollen stalks. The base of the petals starts off as a yellow color and turns red toward the tip, which represents fire. These beautiful flowers are toxic. The toxic levels in these flowers allow them to grow on acidic soil. They are also deadly to cats if they eat any of the flowers. Fire lilies are easy to draw from a distance, despite their darker side. A fire lily drawn to perfection can be as beautiful as the real deal.

Cupids dagger is my last exotic example. Cupids Dart Flowers are native to Mediterranean Islands. The name “Cupid’s dart” was given to it because the ancient Greeks believed that these flowers were used as an ingredient in love potions. The flowers also prefer a hot, humid climate. The flowers are grouped together on a long green stem. The flowers look stunning when they bloom. Each flower has ten petals that are blueish purple with yellow pollen on the center. Each petal has a bottom that is solid violet, giving the appearance of a ring around the flower’s center. The four-fold splitting of each petal tip gives the appearance that there are more than one flower. This flower has a lot of beauty due to the contrast in colors between yellow and purple. I would love a professional artist to paint a picture of this flower for me.

Exotic flora is a beautiful art form. The majority are beautiful because of their design. Others are beautiful due to the way they act. Exotic flora offers endless opportunities to draw and study. We can study and draw thousands of plant species.


  • heidibutler

    I am 28 years old and I currently work as a teacher and blogger. I enjoy writing and teaching, and I love sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends.